
The Fading of Freedom

After the fall of Suharto, the freedom of speech had intensively been advent to public-share of Indonesian’s society, which never happened during the reign of New Order (Orba). Unfortunately, democratization process is not that easy to be embodied in this country. Rather than providing the equal and effective public-sphere which is able to accommodate any fragments of society, reformation era merely affords a free-competition public-sphere in which the dominant and repressive power is capable of intervening public policy. As a result, the freedom of speech has been a utopia because the discourse built has fiercely been polluted by vigilantism. The university, where the freedom of thinking should be respected, is not immune from religious vigilante group that impose their own religious understanding to the member of the university and academic activities. During 2016-2017, there 18 cases about the academic activities restriction in Indonesian university and the most of them regarding

The Loss of Our Vision

Indonesia, an nation located between two continents, is a great state that has been able to escape from fierce colonialism. During centuries, Indonesian people have dramatically fought for their dignity and freedom against imperialism and colonialism. It needs to underline that the story of Indonesia is the story of struggle. At the end of profoundly massive world war II, which pervaded among the most powerful military powers of the globe, while vacuum of power, Indonesia prepared their glorious moment to declare the independence.

Belajar dari Kopi; Menunda Keyakinan dan Perjuampaan Dengan ‘Yang Lain’

Belajar dari Kopi; Menunda Keyakinan dan Perjuampaan Dengan ‘Yang Lain’ Wiwit Kurniawan, MA “Seindah apa pun huruf terukir, dapatkah ia bermakna apabila tak ada jeda?  Dapatkah ia dimengerti jika tak ada spasi?” ― Dee Lestari, Filosofi Kopi: Kumpulan Cerita dan Prosa Satu Dekade Kala itu aku masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa strata satu di sebuah universitas swasta di Purwokerto. Sejak pertama melihatnya, baik tampilannya maupun namanya, aku langsung jatuh hati. Filosofi Kopi; Kumpulan cerita dan prosa satu dekade. Sebuah kumpulan cerita yang cerkas gubahan Dewi Lestari dengan nama pena Dee. Aku tak mampu membelinya, hanya pinjam saja dari rak buku sabahatku.